Position papers


Response to ESMA on Clearing Obligation under EMIR (no.4)

Created: 15 July 2015 FESE urges ESMA to consider the overall impact that its work on the EMIR Clearing Obligation…

Response to the EC on the Capital Markets Union Green Paper

Created: 19 May 2015 In an environment in which Europe needs to reduce its dependence on bank lending, economic development…

Response to the review of the Prospectus Directive

Created: 19 May 2015 When companies reach a stage in their development at which a public listing becomes an option…

EU IPO Report: Rebuilding IPOs in Europe; Creating jobs and growth in European capital markets

Created: March 2015 Following the release of the European Commission’s Green Paper on the Capital Markets Union, Philippe de Backer…

Response to ESMA on MiFID II/MiFIR

Created: 10 March 2015 FESE welcomes the opportunity to provide input to ESMA on their draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS)…

Response to ESMA Guidelines on the application of C6 & C7 of Annex I MiFID

Created: 9 January 2015 We agree with ESMA that there are a number of issues with regard to the uniform…
