Position papers


FESE Manifesto: ‘C.H.E.C.K-list – Getting European Capital Markets in motion’

Today, FESE launched its FESE Manifesto: ‘C.H.E.C.K-list – Getting European Capital Markets in motion’ a C.H.E.C.K.-list from the exchange industry…

EuropeanIssuers & FESE Joint Position Paper: Unleashing Retail Investor Participation in the Corporate Bond Market

EuropeanIssuers and FESE have released a joint Position Paper titled “Unleashing Retail Investor Participation in the Corporate Bond Market”. Increasing…

The Capital flywheel– European Capital Markets Report

The European Banking Federation (EBF), the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA), and the Federation of European Securities Exchanges…

FESE response to the ESMA consultations on reverse solicitation and the classification of crypto-assets under MiCA

FESE welcomes the opportunity to contribute its views to the ESMA consultations on reverse solicitation and the classification of crypto-assets…

Position paper on the Retail Investment Strategy

Increasing retail investors’ access to capital markets is vital if Europe aims to secure a sustainable economy, digital adoption, and…

European T+1 Industry Task Force comments on recent UK report on moving to T+1 & outlines its next steps

The European T+1 Industry Task Force welcomes the recent publication of a report by the Chair of the UK Accelerated…
