Sustainable Finance

Position Papers

Response to the Commission consultation on Sustainable Corporate Governance


FESE welcomes the opportunity to provide a response to the Commission consultation on sustainable corporate governance.…

Position Papers

Response to the IFRS consultation paper on Sustainability Reporting


The IFRS working to promote convergence of existing standards for sustainability reporting would be welcomed, rather…

Position Papers

Response to the Commission consultation on EU Ecolabel


FESE welcomes the opportunity to provide input on the third draft of the Technical Report on…

Position Papers

Response to ESMA consultation on draft advice on Taxonomy Regulation Article 8


We welcome the opportunity to provide input on ESMA’s draft advice to the European Commission under…


Introduction and Guiding Principles to ESG Reporting


Companies are increasingly looking to meet the demand of ESG conscious investors but struggle to find…

Position Papers

Response to Commission consultation on a Green Bond Standard


FESE fully supports the proposed EU Green Bond standards and believes the core components will ensure…

Position Papers

Response to the Commission on the renewed sustainable finance strategy


FESE fully supports the Commission’s Sustainable Finance agenda aimed at reorienting capital flows into sustainable investments…

Position Papers

Response on the Non-Financial Reporting Directive


The review of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive should focus on strengthening and harmonising provisions. Disclosure obligations…

Position Papers

Response Climate Benchmarks Delegated Acts


The Climate Benchmarks Regulation will bring consistency and clarity to the market for low carbon benchmarks…

Position Papers

Response to the EFRAG consultation on future projects for the European Lab


In 2018, the European Corporate Reporting Lab was established by the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group…

Position Papers

Response to the TEG Taxonomy Technical Report


FESE supports the ongoing work of the Technical Experts Group (TEG) and the useful expertise they…

Position Papers

Response to the TEG consultation on climate benchmarks


Whilst we welcome an increase in transparency for customers, we anticipate that the proposals as they…